Source code for pyconll.unit.conll

import collections

import pyconll._parser
from pyconll.unit import Sentence

[docs]class Conll: """ The abstraction for a CoNLL-U file. A CoNLL-U file is more or less just a collection of sentences in order. These sentences can be accessed by sentence id or by numeric index. Note that sentences must be separated by whitespace. CoNLL-U also specifies that the file must end in a new line but that requirement is relaxed here in parsing. """ def __init__(self, it): """ Create a CoNLL-U file collection of sentences. Args: it: An iterator of the lines of the CoNLL-U file. """ self._sentences = [] for sentence in pyconll._parser.iter_sentences(it): self._sentences.append(sentence)
[docs] def conll(self): """ Output the Conll object to a CoNLL-U formatted string. Returns: The CoNLL-U object as a string. This string will end in a newline. """ # Add newlines along with sentence strings so that there is no need to # slice potentially long lists or modify strings. components = [] for sentence in self._sentences: components.append(sentence.conll()) components.append('\n\n') return ''.join(components)
[docs] def write(self, writable): """ Write the Conll object to something that is writable. For simply writing, this method is more efficient than calling conll then writing since no string of the entire Conll object is created. The final output will include a final newline. Args: writable: The writable object such as a file. Must have a write method. """ for sentence in self._sentences: writable.write(sentence.conll()) writable.write('\n\n')
[docs] def append(self, sent): """ Add the given sentence to the end of this Conll object. Args: sent: The Sentence object to add. """ self._sentences.append(sent)
[docs] def insert(self, index, sent): """ Insert the given sentence into the given location. This function behaves in the same way as python lists insert. Args: index: The numeric index to insert the sentence into. sent: The sentence to insert. """ self._sentences.insert(index, sent)
def __contains__(self, other): """ Check if the Conll object has this sentence. Args: other: The sentence to check for. Returns: True if this Sentence is exactly in the Conll object. False, otherwise. """ for sentence in self._sentences: if other == sentence: return True return False def __iter__(self): """ Allows for iteration over every sentence in the CoNLL-U file. """ for sentence in self._sentences: yield sentence def __getitem__(self, key): """ Index a sentence by key value. Args: key: The key to index the sentence by. This key can either be a numeric key, or a slice. Returns: The corresponding sentence if the key is an int or the sentences if the key is a slice in the form of another Conll object. Raises: TypeError if the key is not an integer or slice. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self._sentences[key] elif isinstance(key, slice): sliced_conll = Conll([]) sliced_conll._sentences = self._sentences[key] return sliced_conll else: raise TypeError('Conll indices must be ints or slices, not str') def __setitem__(self, key, sent): """ Set the given location to the Sentence. Args: key: The location in the Conll file to set to the given sentence. This only accepts integer keys and accepts negative indexing. """ self._sentences[key] = sent def __delitem__(self, key): """ Delete the Sentence corresponding with the given key. Args: key: The info to get the Sentence to delete. Can be the integer position in the file, or a slice. """ del self._sentences[key] def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of sentences in the CoNLL-U file. Returns: The size of the CoNLL-U file in sentences. """ return len(self._sentences)