Source code for pyconll.unit.token

Defines the Token type and the associated parsing and output logic.

import operator

from pyconll.conllable import Conllable
from pyconll.exception import ParseError, FormatError

def _unit_empty_map(value, empty):
    Map unit values for CoNLL-U columns to a string or None if empty.

        value: The value to map.
        empty: The empty representation for this unit.

        None if value is empty and value otherwise.
    return None if value == empty else value

def _dict_empty_map_parser(v, v_delimiter):
    Map a value into the appropriate form, for a standard dict based column.

        v: The raw string value that was parsed from the column as a value.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between components of the value.

        The parsed value, as a set of its components.

        ParseError: If there was an error parsing the value. This happens when
            the value is None.
    if v is not None:
        vs = set(v.split(v_delimiter))
        return vs

    error_msg = 'Error parsing "{}" properly. Please check against CoNLL format spec.'.format(
    raise ParseError(error_msg)

def _dict_empty_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter):
    Map dict values for CoNLL-U columns to a dict or empty dict if empty.

        values: The value to check for existence.
        empty: The empty representation for this dict.
        delim: The delimiter between components in the provided value.
        av_separator: The attribute-value separator for each component.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values for the same attribute.

        An empty dict if value is empty. Otherwise, a dict of key-value where
        the values are sets.

        ParseError: If the dict format was unable to parsed, because of a lack
            of a value.
    return _dict_empty_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, _dict_empty_map_parser)

def _dict_singleton_empty_parser(v, _):
    Map a value into the appropriate form, for a singleton based column.

        v: The raw string value parsed from a column.
        _: The delimiter between components of the value. Not used.

        The parsed value.

        ParseError: If there was an error parsing the value. This happens when
            the value is None.
    if v is not None:
        return v

    error_msg = ('Error parsing "{}" as singleton properly. Please check'
                 'against CoNLL format spec.').format(v)
    raise ParseError(error_msg)

def _dict_singleton_empty_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator):
    Map dict based values for CoNLL-U columns to dict with singleton values.

        values: The value to parse.
        empty: The empty representation for this value in CoNLL-U format.
        delim: The delimiter between components in the value.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value in each

        An empty dict if values is empty. Otherwise, a dict of key-value pairs
        where the values are singletons. Singletons are defined as length capped
        tuples or as strings.

        ParseError: If the dict format was unable to parsed because there is an
            item with no corresponding value.
    return _dict_empty_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator, None,

def _create_dict_tupled_empty_parse(size, strict):
    Parameterized creation of a parser for tupled values.

        size: The expected size of the tuple.
        strict: Flag to signifiy if parsed values with less components than size
            will be accepted. In this case, missing values will be supplated
            with None.

        The parameterized parser function for parsing tupled columns.

        ParseError: If the parsing is strict and there is a component size
            mismatch, or if there are too many components in general.

    def _dict_tupled_empty_parser(v, v_delimiter):
        Map a value into the appropriate form, for a tupled based column.

            v: The raw string value parsed from a column.
            v_delimiter: The delimiter between components of the value.

            The parsed value as a tuple.

            ParseError: If there was an error parsing the value as a tuple.
        if v is not None:
            components = v.split(v_delimiter)
            left = size - len(components)

            if not strict and left >= 0 and left < size:
                vs = tuple(components + [None] * left)
            elif len(components) == size:
                vs = tuple(components)
                error_msg = ('Error parsing "{}" as tuple properly. Please'
                             'check against CoNLL format spec.').format(v)
                raise ParseError(error_msg)

            return vs
            error_msg = ('Error parsing "{}" as tuple properly. Please check'
                         'against CoNLL format spec').format(v)
            raise ParseError(error_msg)

    return _dict_tupled_empty_parser


def _dict_tupled_empty_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter,
    Map dict based values for CoNLL-U columns to a dict with tupled values.

    Tupled values are those with a maximum number of components, which is also
    greater than 1.

        values: The value to parse.
        empty: The empty representation for this value in CoNLL format.
        delim: The delimiter between components in the value.
        av_separator: The separator between the attribute and value in each
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values for the same attribute.
        size: The maximum size of the tuple. Components with less values than
            this will be supplanted with None.

        An empty dict if values was empty. Otherwise, a dictionary with fixed
        length tuples as the values.

        ParseError: If there was an error parsing the tuple. Related to the
            number of components.
        parser = TUPLE_PARSER_MEMOIZE[size]
    except KeyError:
        parser = _create_dict_tupled_empty_parse(size, False)
        TUPLE_PARSER_MEMOIZE[size] = parser

    return _dict_empty_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, parser)

def _dict_mixed_empty_parser(v, v_delimiter):
    Parse a value into the appropriate form, for a mixed value based column.

        v: The raw string value parsed from a column.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between components of the value.

        The parsed value, which can either be None in the case of no
        corresponding value, or a set of the components in the value.
    if v is None:
        return v

    vs = set(v.split(v_delimiter))
    return vs

def _dict_mixed_empty_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter):
    Map dict based values for CoNLL-U columns to dict with mixed values.

    Mixed values are those that can be either singletons or sets.

        values: The value to parse.
        empty: The empty representation for this value in CoNLL-U format.
        delim: The delimiter between components in the value.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value in each
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values for the same attribute.

        An empty dict if values is empty. Otherwise, a dictionary with either
        None, or a set of strings as the values.

        ParseError: If the dict format was unable to parsed.
    return _dict_empty_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, _dict_mixed_empty_parser)

def _dict_empty_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter,
    A helper to consolidate logic between singleton and non-singleton mapping.

        values: The value to parse.
        empty: The empty representation for this value in CoNLL-U format.
        delim: The delimiter between components of the value.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value in each
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values for the same attribute.
        parser: The parser of the value from the attribute value pair.

        An empty dict if the value is empty and otherwise a parsed equivalent.

        ParseError: If the dict format was unable to parsed. This error will be
            raised by the provided parser.
    if values == empty:
        return {}

    d = {}
    for el in values.split(delim):
        parts = el.split(av_separator, 1)
        if len(parts) == 1 or (len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == ''):
            k = parts[0]
            v = None
        elif len(parts) == 2:
            k, v = parts

        parsed = parser(v, v_delimiter)
        d[k] = parsed

    return d

def _unit_conll_map(value, empty):
    Map a unit value to its CoNLL-U format equivalent.

        value: The value to convert to its CoNLL-U format.
        empty: The empty representation for a unit in CoNLL-U.

        empty if value is None and value otherwise.
    return empty if value is None else value

def _dict_conll_map_formatter(v, v_delimiter):
    Formatter to convert a set of CoNLL values to a string representation.

        v: The set of values.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between the values in a string representation.

        The appropriate string representation of the value in CoNLL format.

        FormatError: When there are no values to output.
    if v:
        sorted_vs = sorted(v, key=str.lower)
        str_vs = v_delimiter.join(sorted_vs)
        error_msg = 'There are no values to format'
        raise FormatError(error_msg)

    return str_vs

def _dict_conll_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter):
    Map a dict whose attributes can have multiple values to CoNLL-U format.

    This CoNLL-U format will be sorted alphabetically by attribute and
    attributes with more than one value will have values sorted

        values: The dict to convert to its CoNLL-U format.
        empty: The empty representation for a dict in CoNLL-U.
        delim: The delimiter between components in the output.
        av_separator: The attribute-value separator in the provided string.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values in attribute-value pairs.

        The CoNLL-U format as a string.
    return _dict_conll_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, _dict_conll_map_formatter)

def _dict_singleton_conll_formatter(v, _):
    Identity function to realize a string representation from a singleton value.

        v: The value.
        _: The delimiter between the values in a string representation.

        The value passed in as a singleton.

        FormatError: If the value is None, since singleton keys must have a value.
    if v is not None:
        return v

    error_msg = 'Singleton value cannot be None'
    raise FormatError(error_msg)

def _dict_singleton_conll_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator):
    Map a dict whose attributes can only have one value to CoNLL-U format.

        values: The dict to convert to CoNLL-U format.
        empty: The empty CoNLL-U representation for this value.
        delim: The delimiter between attribute-value pairs.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value.

        The CoNLL-U formatted equivalent to the value.

        FormatError: If there is an error formatting the values as singletons.
    return _dict_conll_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator, None,

def _dict_tupled_conll_formatter(v, v_delimiter):
    Convert a tuple of values into a CoNLL string representation.

        v: The tuple of values to convert.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values in the ConLL representation.

        The string representation of the tuple in CoNLL format.

        FormatError: When all values in the tuple value are None.
    presents = list(filter(lambda el: el is not None, v))
    if not presents:
        error_msg = 'All values in the tuple are None.'
        raise FormatError(error_msg)

    form = v_delimiter.join(presents)
    return form

def _dict_tupled_conll_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter):
    Map a dict whose components are max length tuples to a CoNLL format.

        values: The dict to convert.
        empty: The empty CoNLL representation for this value.
        delim: The delimiter between attribute-value pairs.
        av_separator: The separator between the attribute and value.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values of the same attribute.

        The CoNLL formatted equivalent to the provided value as a tupled column.

        FormatError: If there was an error converting a tuple to a CoNLL format.
    return _dict_conll_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, _dict_tupled_conll_formatter)

def _dict_mixed_conll_formatter(v, v_delimiter):
    Format a mixed value into a string representation.

        v: The value to convert to a mixed CoNLL string format.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values in the string.

        A CoNLL representation of the mixed value.
    if v is None:
        return v

    sorted_vs = sorted(v, key=str.lower)
    str_vs = v_delimiter.join(sorted_vs)

    return str_vs

def _dict_mixed_conll_map(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter):
    Map a dict whose components can be mixed to a CoNLL-U format.

        values: The dict to convert to CoNLL-U format.
        empty: The empty CoNLL-U representation for this value.
        delim: The delimiter between attribute-value pairs.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values of the same attribute if

        The CoNLL-U formatted equivalent to the value.
    return _dict_conll_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator,
                                  v_delimiter, _dict_mixed_conll_formatter)

def _dict_conll_map_helper(values, empty, delim, av_separator, v_delimiter,
    Helper to map dicts to CoNLL-U format equivalents.

        values: The value, dict, to map.
        empty: The empty CoNLL-U reprsentation for this value.
        delim: The delimiter between attribute-value pairs.
        av_separator: The separator between attribute and value.
        v_delimiter: The delimiter between values of the same attribute if
        formatter: The function to convert an attribute value pair into a CoNLL
            column representation. This function should take in a value
            representation, and a value delimiter, and output a string
            representation. It should also output None to mean there is no
            string representation.

        The CoNLL-U formatted equivalent to the value.

    def paramed(pair):
        f = formatter(pair[1], v_delimiter)
        if f is None:
            return (pair[0], )

        return (pair[0], f)

    if values == {}:
        return empty

    sorted_av_pairs = sorted(values.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
    formatted = map(paramed, sorted_av_pairs)
    output = delim.join([av_separator.join(form) for form in formatted])

    return output if output else empty

[docs]class Token(Conllable): """ A token in a CoNLL-U file. This consists of 10 columns, each separated by a single tab character and ending in an LF ('\\n') line break. Each of the 10 column values corresponds to a specific component of the token, such as id, word form, lemma, etc. This class does not do any formatting validation on input or output. This means that invalid input may be properly processed and then output. Or that client changes to the token may result in invalid data that can then be output. Properly formatted CoNLL-U will always work on input and as long as all basic units are strings output will work as expected. The result may just not be proper CoNLL-U. Also note that the word form for a token is immutable. This is because CoNLL-U is inherently interested in annotation schemes and not storing sentences. """ # The different delimiters and separators for the CoNLL-U format. # FIELD_DELIMITER separates columns on the token line. # COMPONENT_DELIMITER separates a field with multiple components. # AV_SEPARATOR separates the attribute from the value in a component. # V_DELIMITER separates the values in an attribute-value pair. FIELD_DELIMITER = '\t' COMPONENT_DELIMITER = '|' AV_SEPARATOR = '=' AV_DEPS_SEPARATOR = ':' V_DELIMITER = ',' V_DEPS_DELIMITER = ':' EMPTY = '_'
[docs] def __init__(self, source, empty=True, _line_number=None): """ Construct the token from the given source. A Token line must end in an an LF line break according to the specification. However, this method will accept a line with or without this ending line break. Further, a '_' that appears in the form and lemma is ambiguous and can either refer to an empty value or an actual underscore. So the flag empty_form allows for control over this if it is known from outside information. If, the token is a multiword token, all fields except for form should be empty. Note that no validation is done on input. Valid input will be processed properly, but there is no guarantee as to invalid input that does not follow the CoNLL-U specifications. Args: line: The line that represents the Token in CoNLL-U format. empty: A flag to signify if the word form and lemma can be assumed to be empty and not the token signifying empty. Only if both the form and lemma are both the same token as empty and there is no empty assumption, will they not be assigned to None. _line_number: The line number for this Token in a CoNLL-U file. For internal use mostly. Raises: ParseError: If the provided source is not composed of 10 tab separated columns. """ if source[-1] == '\n': source = source[:-1] self._source = source self.line_number = _line_number fields = source.split(Token.FIELD_DELIMITER) self._fields = fields if len(self._fields) != 10: error_msg = 'The number of columns per token line must be 10. Invalid token: {}'.format( source) raise ParseError(error_msg) # Assign all the field values from the line to internal equivalents. = fields[0] # If we can assume the form and lemma are empty, or if either of the # fields are not the empty token, then we can proceed as usual. # Otherwise, these empty tokens might not mean empty, but rather the # actual tokens. if empty or (fields[1] != Token.EMPTY or fields[2] != Token.EMPTY): self._form = _unit_empty_map(fields[1], Token.EMPTY) self.lemma = _unit_empty_map(fields[2], Token.EMPTY) elif fields[1] == Token.EMPTY and fields[2] == Token.EMPTY: self._form = fields[1] self.lemma = fields[2] self.upos = _unit_empty_map(fields[3], Token.EMPTY) self.xpos = _unit_empty_map(fields[4], Token.EMPTY) self.feats = _dict_empty_map(fields[5], Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DELIMITER) self.head = _unit_empty_map(fields[6], Token.EMPTY) self.deprel = _unit_empty_map(fields[7], Token.EMPTY) self.deps = _dict_tupled_empty_map( fields[8], Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_DEPS_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DEPS_DELIMITER, 4) self.misc = _dict_mixed_empty_map( fields[9], Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DELIMITER)
@property def form(self): """ Provide the word form of this Token. This property makes it readonly. Returns: The Token wordform. """ return self._form
[docs] def is_multiword(self): """ Checks if this token is a multiword token. Returns: True if this token is a multiword token, and False otherwise. """ return '-' in
[docs] def conll(self): """ Convert Token to the CoNLL-U representation. Note that this does not include a newline at the end. Returns: A string representing the token as a line in a CoNLL-U file. """ # Transform the internal CoNLL-U representations back to text and # combine the fields. token_id = form = _unit_conll_map(self.form, Token.EMPTY) lemma = _unit_conll_map(self.lemma, Token.EMPTY) upos = _unit_conll_map(self.upos, Token.EMPTY) xpos = _unit_conll_map(self.xpos, Token.EMPTY) feats = _dict_conll_map(self.feats, Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DELIMITER) head = _unit_conll_map(self.head, Token.EMPTY) deprel = _unit_conll_map(self.deprel, Token.EMPTY) deps = _dict_tupled_conll_map( self.deps, Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_DEPS_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DEPS_DELIMITER) misc = _dict_mixed_conll_map(self.misc, Token.EMPTY, Token.COMPONENT_DELIMITER, Token.AV_SEPARATOR, Token.V_DELIMITER) items = [ token_id, form, lemma, upos, xpos, feats, head, deprel, deps, misc ] return Token.FIELD_DELIMITER.join(items)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Test if this Token is equal to other. Args: other: The other token to compare against. Returns: True if the this Token and the other are the same. Two tokens are considered the same when all columns are the same. """ return self._source == other._source