Source code for pyconll.util

A set of utilities for dealing with pyconll defined types. This is simply a
collection of functions.

import functools
import itertools

[docs]def find_ngrams(conll, ngram, case_sensitive=True): """ Find the occurences of the ngram in the provided Conll collection. This method returns every sentence along with the token position in the sentence that starts the ngram. The matching algorithm does not currently account for multiword tokens, so "don't" should be separated into "do" and "not" in the input. Args: sentence: The sentence in which to search for the ngram. ngram: The ngram to search for. A random access iterator. case_sensitive: Flag to indicate if the ngram search should be case sensitive. The case insensitive comparison currently is locale insensitive lowercase comparison. Returns: An iterator of tuples over the ngrams in the Conll object. The first element is the sentence, the second element is the numeric token index, and the last element is the actual list of tokens references from the sentence. This list does not include any multiword token that were skipped over. """ matched_tokens = [] for sentence in conll: i = 0 while i <= len(sentence) - len(ngram): token = sentence[i] cased_form, cased_ngram_start = _get_cased(case_sensitive, token.form, ngram[0]) if cased_form == cased_ngram_start and not token.is_multiword(): matches = True matched_tokens.append(token) cur_idx = i for ngram_token in itertools.islice(ngram, 1, None): cur_idx += 1 new_token = sentence[cur_idx] if new_token.is_multiword(): cur_idx += 1 new_token = sentence[cur_idx] cased_new_token_form, cased_ngram_token = _get_cased( case_sensitive, new_token.form, ngram_token) if cased_new_token_form != cased_ngram_token: matches = False matched_tokens.clear() break else: matched_tokens.append(new_token) if matches: yield (sentence, i, matched_tokens) matched_tokens = [] i += 1
[docs]def find_nonprojective_deps(sentence): """ Find the nonprojective dependency pairs in the provided sentence. Dependencies are provided as a list of ordered pairs. Each ordered pair represents a non-projective dependency pair. Each element in the ordered pair is a token, that makes a dependency with its governor. So each token is the base of its dependency, and the two tokens' dependencies cross in a non projective way. Args: sentence: The sentence to check for nonprojective dependency pairs. Returns: An iterable of pairs which represent the children of a nonprojective dependency pair. """ deps = _transform_tokens_to_sorted_dependency_arcs(sentence) non_projective_deps = [] openings = [-1] closings = [len(sentence)] direcs = [''] for dep in deps: cur_opening = openings[-1] cur_closing = closings[-1] left_index, right_index, direc = dep starts_outside = left_index >= cur_closing if starts_outside: while left_index >= closings[-1]: openings.pop() closings.pop() direcs.pop() within_range = cur_opening < right_index <= cur_closing if not within_range: for i in range(len(openings) - 1, -1, -1): o = openings[i] c = closings[i] d = direcs[i] if right_index > c: dep_child_idx = dep[1] if dep[2] == 'l' else dep[0] base_child_idx = c if d == 'l' else o non_projective_deps.append((dep_child_idx, base_child_idx)) else: break if starts_outside or within_range: openings.append(left_index) closings.append(right_index) direcs.append(direc) child_tokens = list( map(lambda dep: tuple(map(lambda idx: sentence[idx], dep)), non_projective_deps)) return child_tokens
def _transform_tokens_to_sorted_dependency_arcs(sentence): """ Transforms a given sentence or set of tokens into dependency arcs. These dependency arcs are tuples which consist of a head id, a token id and head direction. These dependencies are sorted to facilitate non-projectivity detection. Args: sentence: The tokens to transform to dependency arcs. Returns: The sorted list of dependency arcs extracted from the sentence. """ # Create a string token id to numeric index map for the sentence. ids_to_idxs = { i for i, token in enumerate(sentence)} dependency_tokens = filter( lambda token: token.head != '0' and not token.is_multiword(), sentence) deps = sorted(map(lambda token: _token_to_dep_tuple(token, ids_to_idxs), dependency_tokens), key=_DependencyComparer) return deps @functools.total_ordering class _DependencyComparer: """ Wrapper to compare dependency arcs. """ def __init__(self, dep): """ Creates the wrapper for this dependency. Args: dep: The dependency to wrap. """ self._l, self._r, _ = dep def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks that this dependency has the same indices as another. Args: other: The other wrapped dependency to compare against. """ return self._l == other._l and self._r == other._r def __ne__(self, other): """ Checks that this dependency has different indices as another. Args: other: Another wrapped dependency to compare against. """ return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): """ Checks that this dependency is less than another. This comparison is done by first checking the smaller of the two indices. The second indices are compared if the first are equal and this dependency will be smaller if its second index is larger. Args: other: Another wrapped dependency to compare against. """ return self._l < other._l or (self._l == other._l and self._r > other._r) def _token_to_dep_tuple(token, id_map): """ Creates a tuple of primitives to represent the dependency on a token. Args: token: The token to convert to a tupled dependency representation. id_map: A mapping from string token ids to indices. Returns: A triplet where the first element is the minimum of the token id and governor id, the second is the maximum, and the third is the direction of the dependency. """ token_idx = id_map[] head_idx = id_map[token.head] if token_idx < head_idx: return (token_idx, head_idx, 'r') return (head_idx, token_idx, 'l') def _get_cased(case_sensitive, *args): """ Get the cased versions of the provided strings if applicable. Args: case_sensitive: If False, then returns lowercase versions of all strings. args: The strings to get appropriately cased versions of. Returns: An iterable of case converted strings as necessary. """ if not case_sensitive: args = list(map(str.lower, args)) return args